Two Secrets for Job Satisfaction

Do you feel you struggle with job satisfaction? You're not alone.

Many people think job satisfaction is supposed to just happen when you show up to work.

I'm here to tell you it takes work and it's sometimes a slow meandering messy process but I've got two secrets to get you on your way.

First secret, change your mindset to one where you think "I'm going to Bring It!" vs. thinking your boss is going to make your job satisfying. Show up wanting to do your job and more. 

Next, use this list of the the 10 things employers want from you to be more successful, make an impact, and ultimately have more job satisfaction. 

#1  Be curious - ask great questions, take inventory of all POV before you blame or judge.

#2  Be measured & professional aka maturity - filter yourself before you react.

#3  Over deliver - do more than your job responsibility, keep track of what you create.

#4  Present a solution with a problem - much easier for your boss to help you. 

#5  Collaborate, connect, strengthen relationships - this builds trust & influence.

#6  Be open to feedback, even if its delivered poorly, there's always a lesson.

#7  Find the bigger goal, bigger picture, don't get stuck in your weeds.

#8  Overcome the need for instant gratification.

#9  Talk about your career fulfillment in terms of what skills you need to acquire.

#10 Have patience - your career will unfold, you're not going to be trapped in your first job.

If you want to get more help in acquiring job satisfaction, and master these traits & behaviors, schedule your free strategy session.


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