Culture isn’t what you are, it’s what you do.
I know how hard it can be to effectively lead teams and simultaneously nurture a strong company culture. But today, more than ever, we have to do both. In our fast-paced and complex world, strong cultures survive crises and thrive in change, creating the atmosphere that leads to business growth and profitability.
My coaching method breeds leaders, not bosses. I work with leaders of all levels to raise their self-awareness, unlocking their ability to better lead themselves and others, resulting in stronger more resilient teams ready and able to face today’s challenges.
“Self-awareness isn’t one truth. It’s a delicate balance of two distinct, even competing, viewpoints”
One study of more than 3,600 leaders across a variety of roles and industries found that “higher level employees (e.g., senior executives) had greater discrepancy between self- and other-ratings than lower level individuals (e.g., managers and individual contributors). Implications are significant because research has shown that self-awareness is positively associated with important management and leadership outcomes.”
In other words, the higher up someone was, the lower their self-awareness (also know as emotional intelligence or EQ).
The power of coaching is to help people level up their EQ—to uncover blindspots, get rid of the baggage that’s holding them back, and to help them adopt the mindset that creates different results.
Not sold? Self-awareness coaching has also been proven to lead to direct and measurable improvements in performance.
When you hire me, I’ll do the dirty work. You don’t have time, and let’s face it, you don’t want to engage in the messy sensitive stuff.
Ready to take your company to the next level? Schedule a call with me to learn more about how I can help your leaders to build the soft skills they need to create the business results you’re after.