Leadership Insights You Can Use

I’ve put together this leadership toolbox to help you hone in your inner game (AKA mental fitness), which will in turn enhance your outer game at work. I not only provide original content, I also stay on top of the latest research to help you to excel at leadership through a better understanding of yourself and those around you.

Blog BJ Gray Blog BJ Gray

Make Your Paycheck Work for You

The majority of people have this false belief that they don’t make enough money to be able to save. I’m offering a different perspective: You can start saving right now, no matter where you are financially.

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Blog BJ Gray Blog BJ Gray

Ditch Your Fear of Being Judged at Work

People hold themselves back because of the opinions of others. At work, if you’re too afraid to share your ideas, it will prevent you from improving a situation, contributing, and ultimately shining.

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Blog BJ Gray Blog BJ Gray

Get Closer to Your Dream Job

There is no such thing as a perfect job. I like to say 50% of life is going to be amazing and 50% is going to be challenging, but the only choice is to subscribe to 100% of it.

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Blog BJ Gray Blog BJ Gray

My Path to Career Success

I’m committed to helping young professionals build the skills and mindset to manage any situation at work and become the kinds of employees companies love to hire and promote.

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