My Path to Career Success

I’ve always loved growing in my career.

I worked for 20+ years in Fortune 500 companies—Lexus, Oracle, Apple, and Victoria’s Secret, to name a few. And in each role at each company, I was focused on growing.

I made sure that my role had variety and would expand so that I was always gaining new skills and advancing my career as fast as possible.

Sure, my own professional path had its share of challenges. I learned the hard way (and alone) how to change jobs, how to navigate office politics, and how to manage my emotions in a corporate culture. But I enjoyed what I did.

Then, towards the end of my 12-year ride working for Victoria’s Secret, two things happened.

One, the pressure and pace at the executive level became exponentially more intense. I started to question my stamina, and, most importantly, my contribution to the company. I lost my “flow” and went from feeling challenged to simply feeling burned-out.

Two, I noticed more and more associates wanting me to mentor them because they were struggling with job satisfaction or career happiness. I started to realize that these connections with passionate young employees were the best part of my job.

I wanted to stay in my position to help these associates, but I knew that my passion and performance had plateaued.

As I thought about the best course of action for my career, I was given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend a Life Coach School led by my mentor, Brooke Castillo. By that point, I'd already been listening to Brooke’s weekly podcast for a year, learning how to manage my most valuable professional asset: my mind.

Suddenly, a light bulb went on: Career success is all about the right mindset.

All those frustrated young professionals I had been mentoring? Before they could manage the workplace environment, they had to learn how to manage their own inner mental environments.

I stayed at my position for another year and a half as I completed the rigorous coaching certification process. During that time, I took on more mentees and became crystal clear about what I wanted to do for the rest of my career.

By combining my corporate leadership experience with my coaching skills, I knew I could give young professionals a game plan for how to get better results in their careers.

I left NYC for California and started my career 2.0, helping young professionals understand how mindset, behavior, and small but consistent choices are the secret to career satisfaction.

So many young adults are passionate about wanting a job that makes them feel fulfilled, but they struggle to understand how that works. It not only takes hard work, grit, and stamina to get ahead, but on-the-job behaviors that demonstrate the ability to perform the job requirements competently.

I’m committed to helping young professionals build the skills and mindset to manage any situation at work and become the kinds of employees companies love to hire and promote.

My clients are a combination of individuals seeking extra career support and corporations who want to provide coaching to their associates as part of their development.

Are you ready for your own path to career success? Sign up for a free coaching session.

And remember: The only obstacle to overcome is what’s happening in your mind.


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