Top 10 Traits of a Great Leader

If you want to be a great leader, you need to act like one.

Here are my top ten behaviors of a great leader.

How many of these attributes do you already have?

#1 Be Generous

A leader is fueled by the success of others. Jack Welch says this is the single most important trait of a leader. You should always be there for your team. Make sure they have the tools and direction to be successful.

#2 Use Positive Reinforcement

Celebrate people’s success and find your own unique, consistent way of doing this. Frank Blake (ex-CEO of Home Depot) wrote 100 notes to associates every Sunday: “I heard you did X, Y, and Z. Thank you very much.”

#3 Ask & Listen

Know how to ask great questions when things aren’t going well and really listen to the responses: “I heard this isn’t going well. What do you think the issue is?” Be curious. Learn about another person’s thoughts.

#4 Support Collaboration

On a successful team, everyone feels safe to speak. Encourage people to disagree—a tactic that can get to the best ideas for business. Simplicity is on the other side of complexity.

#5 Make Decisions

People want direction. If the decision is was wrong, then you’ll learn and make a new decision. We waste productivity with worry. Eliminate ambiguity.

#6 Be Optimistic

Colin Powell said, “Optimism is a force multiplier.” An optimistic view really sets the company culture. If you focus on negative outcomes, you may inadvertently bring them about. If you remain optimistic, you’ll be more creative, see more solutions, and have the energy to implement them.

#7 Create Opportunities

Create opportunities for your employees. How do you contribute to wealth creation for your associates?

#8 Hold Yourself Accountable

Lead with your actions, not just your words. Set an example. Display the characteristics you want to see in those you lead.

#9 Manage to Each One

Great leaders adapt their leadership style to the people they’re leading. They understand different generations and backgrounds, and they avoid lumping people into categories by department or level. This allows them to use specific motivators, like millennials’ desire to be challenged and make an impact.

#10 Stay in the Present

Measure success in real time, not the past. Don’t rest on your laurels or think about how you did before; ask how you’re doing now. How can you do better? Even failures are rewarded if you learn from them.

Are You a Leader?

Which ones would you like to build to turn you into the leader you want to be?’

If you’re ready to up your leadership game and nail more of the items on this list, schedule a complimentary session. As a career coach, I’ll help you develop your talents, skills, and mindset so you can build a successful career you love.


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