How to Prep for Your Performance Review and Impress Your Boss

Whether or not you’re up for a pay raise, the majority of companies give you a performance review every six months.

Leading up to the review, you’ll likely have to write a review of your own performance to turn into your manager. This is where you list all the projects, results, and wins you’ve had in the past six months on the job.

Sounds great, right? You’re writing your own five-star review.

Not so fast.

In my career, I’ve found that most of my bosses never read what I spent so much time writing.

And admittedly, in my executive career, as the boss of many managers, I didn’t read my direct reports’ reviews thoroughly.

How do you get your boss’s attention so that you can share the impressive work you’ve done in the past six months?

Try delivering a video of you speaking about your accomplishments in 3-4 minutes.

Here’s my pre-review video how-to:

  1. Don’t fret over the production of this video. Make it with your phone, but make sure to film it in your office or at a location that projects a sense of professionalism.

  2. Be concise. Your content should be sharp: think facts, metrics, and outcomes.

  3. Wherever possible, quantify your work. Provide things like volume of work, sales or profit, or even dollars saved. Did you create any efficiencies? Include time saved or steps in the process saved.

  4. Include any and all things you did above and beyond your defined role or defined responsibilities at this job. Where did you over-deliver? What did you create?

  5. Remember to say why you do what you do. Telling him or her your WHY—your dedication and motivation—is the Secret Tip to making your contribution stand out.

If you found these tips helpful and want more help taking your career to new heights, consider my career coaching program.

Schedule a complimentary session so we can chat about your pain points, your goals, and how your beliefs are influencing your career success!


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